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Sydney Design 2011 @PowerHouseMuseum


Sydney Design 2011

From 30 July to 14 August, Sydney Design 2011 is presenting two weeks of unpacking design, connecting people and creating meaningful dialogue around design issues. On the menu: Exhibitions, workshops, master classes, talks, installations and tours. Miam!

The event is produced and hosted by the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney’s museum of science, technology, design, decorative arts and social history. In a word: it’s the perfect occasion for us to visit this famous venue.

Here’s an excerpt from Sydney Design 2011’s website: « We are living in a world where change is so rapid that our notions of ‘normal’ are constantly shifting. In all areas of design – such as product design, architecture, fashion and graphic design, practitioners everywhere are mining tradition and marrying cutting edge technology with an artisanal and human sensibility. »

PowerHouse Museum

Build is old new again - Sydney Design 2011

Sounds exciting to you too?

We’ve just been flicking through the website and here is our personal highlights:


AU.THENTIC explores the way that Australia is engaged with the world creativity both here and abroad.

Known/Unknown exists in between the worlds of art and design, and explores the role of paper in traditional design methods through the work of 4 artists.

Build is old new again – A traditional armchair is brought into the 21st century with allusions to the skyscrapers of New York City. Exhibiting artists and designers, Antonio Pio Saracino, Adam Goodrum, Kenan Wang and Anna Carey, reinterpret traditional furniture forms and aesthetics utilising contemporary technology and modelling techniques to realise objects in modern synthetic materials and formats.

Now and When, Australian Urbanism – This collection of dramatic urban visions was exhibited last year in the 12th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, Italy, and is seen in Sydney for the first time. This exhibition features two films accompanied by an evocative soundscape creating an immersive environment for visitors to experience.

– And the Australian International Design Awards 2011, of course.

Walks & Tours:

Sculpture Walk, Sydney City Architecture Walk and City Bar Tour

30 July, 2, 6 & 13 August – Walking tours hosted by the Australian Architecture Association around the Sydney CBD to explore the city’s architecture.

Australian Architecture Association Walking Tours - Sydney Design 2011

Une petite pensée au passage pour mes anciens collègues de La Marelle, qui doivent être en train de se préparer pour le prochain Maison & Objet

Ce gigantesque salon professionnel a lieu deux fois par an au Parc des Expo de Paris Villepinte, qui se transforme pendant 5 jours en une véritable petite ville avec ses « quartiers » d’exposants – Design, Intérieur, Accessoires, Jardin…, et accueille quelques 85 000 visiteurs à l’affut des nouvelles tendances créatives.

L’an dernier, les 10 ans du Hall Design Now ! étaient célébrés en grande pompe par Philippe Starck. Le thème de cette rentrée créative, « Design à Vivre », annonce une année 2012 pleine de farniente et de cocooning.

En attendant, bon courage à toute l’équipe !

Now and When, Australian Urbanism - Sydney Design 2011

posté sous Australie

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