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La vie est un voyage

Jurassic Lounge


Australian Museum | Jurassic Lounge

Le mardi soir à Sydney, que du fun à l’Australian Museum !

Comment vous décrire l’ambiance mieux qu’en photos ? Du burlesque et des serpents à caresser, une scène rock au beau milieu des dinos, un photobooth déjanté, des mini-bars à tous les étages et une expo assez géniale sur les oiseaux du paradis… Bref, le Jurassic Lounge, on adore !

Jurassic Lounge

Dinosaurs and burlesque ? Seductive birds of paradise against surreal skeleton film screenings ? Precious gemstones and reptile rock ‘n’ roll at the the Australian Museum ? We had a rockin’ time tonight at Jurassic Lounge’s winter opening, drinking beer whilst being stalked by velociraptors…!

Forgotten the fogey, musty experience of trooping through school excursions, hand-in-hand with a detested partner, to see educational exhibit after educational exhibit of prehistoric material then filling out a photocopied worksheet as you ate a sweat-fisted sandwich. Every Tuesday night this Winter, dinosaur bones, mash-up of performance art, circus acts, taxidermy, video works AND amazing exhibitions are at the all-cool, after-hours Australian Museum’s Jurassic Lounge!

Reclaim your love of dinosaurs when the sun goes down, and come face to face with rare artefacts and scientific specimens that you can raise your glass to — not your carton of juice!

Australian Museum | Jurassic Lounge

posté sous Australie

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